Merida’s Tartan, Bear Pin, and Bow Ornament

So, over the weekend my custom fabric from Spoonflower came! I ordered it in a heavy cotton twill and in retrospect might have done something different, but it’s not terrible. I think after washing a couple times it will be a little less stiff 🙂 I still love it though! I ordered one yard at 56″, so it was the perfect length to fold it in half the long ways to make it a sash and taper the edges for a little pretty draping effect.

I also got some Sculpey III clay and forayed into polymer clay for the first time. For the first attempt, I’m pretty happy with it. I may remake it when I feel like my skills are a little more consistent, but I still painted and colored it to use as is. I also made the medallion that goes on Merida’s bow, which was way easier. I attached 2 jump rings on the back before baking so I can string something around it and strap it to the bow. Speaking of hardware, I attached a skirt pin to the back of the bear buckle as well for all the fabric it has to gather!



It’s unclear whether the bear buckle is actually a belt buckle or a pin (I know, it’s really just a Disney face character thing anyways, but I think it’s a nice touch.), so I made it a pin so I can decide how I want to use it.
I can sling the tartan around my waist a lot like the face character, like this.



Or, I can wear it a little more traditionally over one shoulder, like this.


So, needless to say, I’m super excited about this!

Here it is after painting the lower part black and actually using metallic sharpies for the silver and bronze, go figure.


And the best part: with the tartan and dress!




4 thoughts on “Merida’s Tartan, Bear Pin, and Bow Ornament

  1. carla says:

    Looks fab!

  2. sharperstyle says:

    Hi there,

    I am looking to make the sash for my costume this year and came across your blog! Your costume is amazing and I was going to get fabric for the sash – what fabric type would you recommend me to get?

    Thanks for any help! 🙂

    • Thanks, Sarah! I wish I would have used something closer to wool for my sash. I ordered the fabric from spoonflower on a super heavy twill and I don’t really like how it takes to things like my big circular pin.

      • sharperstyle says:

        Awesome! Thanks I’ll keep that in mind and check out spoonflower. Yeah I am worried it won’t fasten right to the belt.

        Also, do you have any tips on placing the circular disks to the bow? I think I’ll try superglue but any ideas would be awesome.

        Thanks again for answering! 🙂

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